Making your Strata Property more Sustainable

Making your Strata Property more Sustainable

how to improve strata sustainability

Strata living is built around residents living in harmony as a community. This can be achieved by having common goals that all the residents aim to achieve. One such goal is to improve the carbon footprint of the strata title. This can be achieved by having green initiatives that promote a greener lifestyle in your strata community. At Montano Stata Management, we have deep experience in assisting our owner’s corporation in reducing their carbon footprint. Below are some of the measures that owners’ corporation can take to make their strata more sustainable.

Energy-efficient lighting

Did you know that the average Australian household spends 10% of their electricity budget on lighting? Changing to LED (light-emitting diodes) lights or CFL (compact fluorescent lamps) lights greatly reduces the amount of electricity that is used by lighting. Some LED lights use 80% less energy compared to standard lights. If all the residents start using energy-efficient lighting, this will significantly decrease the building’s carbon footprint.

Renewable energy sources

When people think of renewable sources of energy, they think it is hard to implement on a large scale. This could not be further from the truth. Photovoltaic solar panels use sunlight and can light up an entire apartment block. Other energy-saving alternatives include using solar water geysers or harnessing wind energy if you live in a particularly windy area. Some of these initiatives will require approval by the owners’ corporation prior to implementing any of these changes.

Water conservation initiatives

Many regions in Australia are drought-prone and as such, water conservation is very important. Rainwater tanks are useful in that they collect water that can be used for gardening, for the toilets as well as for laundry. These also have the added benefit of having local council rebates in some cases so not only are you saving money on your water bills, but you can also receive a rebate on the installation as well.

Good waste management initiatives

Finally, good waste management initiatives that include recycling can be implemented. Paper, glass, steel, and aluminum can be recycled. Recycling saves the precious raw material reserves that the earth has for use by future generations. It also helps to lower the carbon footprint as there is no energy used to look for new raw materials. For this to work efficiently, a proposal must be approved by the owners’ corporation so that everyone in the strata can be involved.

Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial strata management? Are you looking to switch strata managers? Not altogether satisfied with the information you’ve been getting from your current strata managers? Don’t hesitate to change your Strata Managers. Call Montano Strata’s qualified team today.

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    Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.

    Tips for Improving the Security of Your Strata Title

    Tips for Improving the Security of Your Strata Title

    how to keep your strata safe, safety tips for your strata

    The security of residents in strata title schemes is a high priority for owner’s corporations. While the residents of the strata title are entitled to access the common property, there is a need to restrict access to non-residents to ensure damage and theft are minimised. If security is not deemed a priority, the building’s amenities and security can be undermined leading to disputes with residents.

    At Montano Stata Management, we specialise in strata management and advising our clients on appropriate security measures for their strata title. Below are some of the measures that owners’ corporations can take so that their strata title is protected.

    Review the Entry and Exit system

    Consider how residents gain access to your building. There are a couple of options on what can be done to ensure that entry into the building is monitored. There are mechanical systems as well as electronic methods of managing entryways. Traditionally, residents relied on using physical keys but with advances in technology key cards, and pin, pads are becoming more popular.

    It is important that there is an up-to-date list of residents with access to the building particularly for residents of investment properties. This will ensure only current residents have access to the building and any former resident’s access is cut-off when vacating. Installing an intercom will also improve security and will increase privacy for building occupants.

    Consider upgrading your CCTV cameras

    Did you know that having a security camera system that is set up inside and outside the property can deter potential criminals by up to 50%? A CCTV camera system is a big asset that is beneficial to a building’s security. This is because it allows security people to always have eyes on entryways and communal access points. In the case of a liability issue, you can always check the footage and verify any claims.

    Invest in good lighting for the entire building

    Installing strategically placed motion sensor lights will also improve the security of your building. A building that is dark or has poor lighting will have a detrimental effect on residents’ safety. Owners’ corporations need to take the time to ensure that the outside of your building has sufficient lighting and is always kept neat and tidy, this will discourage any nefarious activity and provide residents with a high feeling of safety.

    Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial strata management? Are you looking to switch strata managers? Not altogether satisfied with the information you’ve been getting from your current strata managers? Don’t hesitate to contact the Montano Strata management qualified team today.

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      Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.

      Most Common Owners Corporation Mistakes When Self-Managed


      Most Common Owners Corporation Mistakes When Self-Managed


      Some owner’s corporations choose to manage themselves. When this happens, a few individuals volunteer to take on the tasks that a Body Corporate Manager would have done. These volunteers may be very motivated and well meaning but more often than not, things go wrong. When building matters are left to a person that may have a stake in any outcomes, this may cause a conflict of interest. In the worst case scenario, the building may suffer from not being adequately protected against potential risks.

      Below are some self-management pitfalls to watch out for.

      ⦁ Not paying fees on time:

      Every strata title will accrue fees that need to be paid on time. When a body corporate is self-managed, these can go unpaid and important maintenance or repairs does not take place. This makes the building become rundown and the building can fall into disarray. Renting apartments becomes harder and the resale value of the property can also decrease. At Montano Strata Management, all our managers are meticulous with record keeping and will ensure that all fees are paid on time.

      ⦁ Failure to deal with neighbour disputes:

      Self-managed owners’ corporations may not always know all the statutory requirements that need to be met when decisions are being made. Unilateral decisions can be made in such cases which lead to some members being disadvantaged. As a result, arguments and disputes will come up and these can be hard to mediate if only invested parties are involved. When you work with a Montano Strata manager, all disputes will be dealt with professionally and efficiently.

      ⦁ Keeping body corporate fees low:

      In the short term, this may seem like a good thing as everyone gets to save money but it can have long-term repercussions on your investment. Without proper planning, the administration and capital works fund may not have sufficient capital to cover the costs of the scheme. It is incredibly important that funding is in place to cover the monthly costs of the scheme but also to undertake repairs when necessary. A detailed budget in place will ensure the building will not degrade, and owners can continue to experience capital growth and rental returns for their investment. Keeping the body corporate fees low for the sake of having low fees is not the best long term outcome in maintain the current condition of the property.

      ⦁ Poor succession planning:

      Should the current owner currently managing the strata title decides to sell or can no longer give their time, another owner to take on the role will need to be found. A replacement can be hard to find and even harder to train to take up the job. As such, the efficient running of the strata scheme can quickly be undone. In such a case, call Montano Strata Management and we will provide the solution to efficiently manage your strata scheme.

      Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial strata management? Are you looking to switch strata managers? Not altogether satisfied with the information you’ve been getting from your current strata managers? Don’t hesitate to contact Montano Strata’s qualified team today.

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        Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.

        6 Reasons To Appoint A Good Body Corporate Manager

        professional strata management services

        6 Reasons To Appoint A Good Body Corporate Manager


        Many owners in body corporate schemes question if it is necessary to get an outsider to look after the complex on their behalf. From an outsider’s view it may seem like the work that an owner’s corporation manager does can be done by anybody else but this could not be further from the truth. Today we will take a look at why it is a good idea to get a professional on the job. Below are the top 6 reasons why it is better to appoint a manager to take care of your strata title.

        1. A strata manager ensures compliance with statutory requirements:

        There are a lot of legislative requirements that must be met by strata schemes. A good strata manager is aware of any amendments or changes to these statutory requirements which can affect your strata scheme and ensures that you are always in compliance.

        2. A strata manager carries out day to day tasks

        Every Body Corporate has day to day tasks that need to be carried out. A good strata manager will coordinate any repairs required, attend and provide minutes for all meetings. A strata manager is responsible for paying invoices as well as all the financials for the strata scheme. The manager also issues and collects levies and attends to any correspondence.

        3. A strata manager is responsible for the record keeping:

        Body corporate records must be kept in line with legislative requirements. A strata manager is responsible for making sure that this is adhered to. The strata manager also ensures that any and all records are always readily available to lot owners and any other interested parties.

        4. A strata manager manages the bank accounts:

        Finances can be tricky and if left to just anyone can result in unnecessary losses. A good strata manager prepares the financial statements when they are needed. This can be for tax audits, BAS lodgements or for tax returns. The manager takes care of the term deposits and deals with levy recovery.

        5. A strata manager handles all insurance issues:

        It is important that each Body Corporate has insurance that covers their scheme. A strata manager obtains quotations, helps in picking the right insurance for the title, deals with insurance claims and obtains policy renewal quotations.

        6. A strata manager can be objective on all matters:

        Sometimes issues can arise in the Body Corporate. With everyone having a stake in the outcome of any dealings that the strata undertakes, it is prudent to have a neutral party that can be objective in such cases.

        Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial strata management? Are you looking to switch strata managers? Not altogether satisfied with the information you’ve been getting from your current strata managers? Don’t hesitate to contact Montano Strata Management’s qualified team today.

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          Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.

          Why Strata Inspection Reports Matter When Buying into a Strata Scheme


          Why Strata Inspection Reports Matter When Buying into a Strata Scheme


          How can you know if the strata scheme that you plan to buy into is financially viable? This can be done by making sure that a strata report is done on your behalf. Today we will take a look at some top reasons why strata inspection reports matter when buying a property. We will also cover other key aspects such as what is done when a strata report is being compiled as well as what the process of a building inspection in a strata scheme entails. 

          ⦁ What is a strata inspection?

          A strata inspection report (also known as a strata search is a report all purchasers of a strata title, community title or company title property should invest in whether this is a residential or commercial property. This is usually done before the sale of a building or property. For people that want to buy into a strata scheme, it is vital that they get a strata inspection done so that they find out if the investment will be worth their while or not. At Montano Strata Management, we have many years of experience in the strata management industry. We can help you with your strata inspection when you need one performed.

          ⦁ What is contained in a do strata inspection report?

          A strata inspection report is similar to a building report when buying a house. The records of the Owners Corporation must comply with the Strata Schemes Management Act. A strata inspection report will include the following major items such as current owner details, quarterly levies for the property, compliance obligations such as fire inspections, by-laws, proposed major expenditure and minutes of meetings.

          ⦁ Why are strata reports necessary?

          Strata inspection reports are very important when you are considering purchasing into a strata scheme. Strata properties differ from freehold properties in that they are subject to many rules and regulations which you will need to abide by if you decide to go through with the purchase. A strata report enables you to understand whether you are buying into a well run and maintained property.
          Conversely, it can also make you aware of any pitfalls that you may potentially get into by proceeding with the purchase. These can be in the form of exorbitant fees, legal issues, residential disputes and any financial mismanagement that takes place in that strata scheme. By so doing, you are protected as a potential buyer and you can make an informed decision.

          Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial strata management? Are you looking to switch strata managers? Not altogether satisfied with the information you’ve been getting from your current strata managers? Don’t hesitate to contact Montano Strata’s qualified team today.

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            Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.

            Strata Insurance Tips For Property Owners


            Strata Insurance Tips For Property Owners

            strata insurance

            For new owners of strata titles, strata insurance can be confusing. It is easy to assume that the body corporate has you covered in that regard but that is not always the case. You need to know the extent of your coverage and what is not covered. This will protect you against potentially costly damage. Montano Strata Management is a strata management company with a difference, we can help you deal with virtually any strata issue that you may have.

            To find out more about strata insurance, read on!

            ⦁ Who pays for strata title insurance?

            Strata insurance is a legal requirement under the Strata Scheme Act. Each owner of the strata scheme contributes to the payment of the strata title insurance. This is done by paying quarterly levies to the body corporate. These pooled funds are then made available for the payment of the strata’s insurance. Even though the strata insurance is paid for by all the owners of the strata, their individual contributions may differ depending on the value of their property in the strata.

            ⦁ What does strata insurance cover?

            Strata insurance covers shared or common property in a strata-managed complex, owners’ corporation or body corporate-managed complex. Generally this covers external areas such as balconies, common-area gardens and barbeques, pools and tennis courts, intercoms and garages. In case there is any damage to the property or if things are destroyed in a fire, floods or burst pipes, the strata must be covered for its full value. The body corporate can decide to extend the insurance from the basic coverage so that it covers third party liability and the cost of alternative accommodation in case any unit becomes unhabitable.

            ⦁ What does strata insurance NOT cover?

            While strata insurance covers shared and common property, it is important that you know that there are parts of your residence that you will need to cover yourself. This is where owners need to ensure they have their own insurance cover for the contents within the property. Generally speaking, items that aren’t covered by strata insurance include internal fittings and fixtures, lights, carpets, floorboards, furniture, electrical items, jewellery and other personal belongings.

            ⦁ Other Insurance Cover

            Investors in strata schemes may also want to take out landlord insurance. Landlord insurance is a policy that covers you against events such as loss of rent due to a tenant’s rent default, the theft or burglary of any belongings you have leased to your tenants, and natural disasters such as storms.

            Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial strata management? Are you looking to switch strata managers? Not altogether satisfied with the information you’ve been getting from your current strata managers? Don’t hesitate to contact Montano Strata’s qualified team today.

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              Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.

              All You Need To Know About Strata Insurance


              All You Need To Know About Strata Insurance


              Building insurance, strata insurance and contents insurance, are they the same thing and do you need just one or all three? This is a question that many strata owners have, and we are here to give answers to just that. Strata insurance is not just a convenience, it is a must have for all body corporates. What is covered by the strata insurance and what isn’t depends on the type of policy that is taken by the body corporate. To find out more about strata insurance, read on…

              1. Building insurance, contents, and strata insurance, what are they?

              Building insurance is specifically for permanent structures. It is usually used by clients that have freestanding homes or any other home structure like a granny flat or a detached garage. For strata owners, this is usually unnecessary as strata insurance usually covers everything that building insurance could have covered. Contents insurance is used to cover the movable things inside your home. Furniture, art, and electronics, for example. For people that live in a strata property, this is necessary as it covers your personal contents not covered by strata insurance.

              Strata insurance is a broad spectrum policy. It usually covers the following: impact damage, storm damage, malicious damage, water damage, accidental damage, and fire damage. It is important to note the exclusions that are stated in the policy which you decide to choose for your strata. Building defects are one such thing that is usually not included in strata insurance but a lot of owners try to claim for and they get denied.

              2. How much will it cost and who can claim?

              Premiums for strata insurance vary depending on a couple of factors. If your strata building is located in a place that is prone to natural disasters such as bush fires or flooding, this will increase premiums. The age and state of the building also factors into the cost of the monthly premium particularly where regular repairs and maintenance has not been done over the years. The additional features of a property such as swimming pools, tennis courts etc will increase the price of the premium.

              When you want to lodge a claim, you need to speak to your strata manager. They know your policy back to front and will be able to advise you on the next steps. Some issues are better dealt with by the owners’ corporation instead of claiming insurance on them. In such a case, the strata manager can start the correspondence with the owner’s corporation on your behalf. If such a claim is denied by the owners’ corporation, you may have to go directly to the insurer and claim yourself.

              Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial strata management? Are you looking to switch strata managers? Not altogether satisfied with the information you’ve been getting from your current strata managers? Don’t hesitate to contact Montano Strata Management’s qualified team today.

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                Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.

                Common Strata Issues And How To Deal With Them


                Common Strata Issues And How To Deal With Them


                Community living has many perks but there can be are downsides as well. This is because from time to time, issues can come up between different residents of a strata community. At Montano Strata we are invested in seeing every strata scheme thrive. To help you, we have compiled a list of 4 common issues that come up most often and how you can deal with them.

                1. Noisy neighbours:

                Noise is a common strata problem. Each resident has the right to enjoy their own space in a manner that they see fit without infringing on the right of their neighbours to do the same. If a new tenant moves in, ensure that they have a copy of the by laws and that they know exactly what is expected of them concerning noise.

                2. Smoke drift:

                Smoking can cause problems between neighbours. If someone smokes on their balcony, the smoke may drift into their neighbours’ apartments. Passive smoking is very bad for health and no one should be subjected to it. If you are a smoker, make sure that your windows and doors are closed when you smoke so that the smoke drift does not escape into common areas or other people’s homes.

                3. Parking problems:

                Parking is another strata problem that almost always comes up. Residents often park in spots that aren’t assigned to them or they cause obstructions in the way that they park. To avoid this, resident’s must know that they are strictly expected to only park in their designated spot.

                4. Owning Pets:

                The strata scheme by-laws govern whether a resident can have pets or not. The model by-laws either do not allow pets or allow pets subject to the owner’s corporation approval. Ensure you obtain a copy of the by-laws to understand which by-law regulates your strata scheme and if pets are allowed obtain the necessary approval. Make sure that you follow all the by-laws concerning pets and ensure that your pets are always monitored when on common property.

                Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial strata management? Are you looking to switch strata managers? Not altogether satisfied with the information you’ve been getting from your current strata managers? Don’t hesitate to contact Montano Strata’s qualified team today.

                  Looking to Change, Its Easy!
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                  Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.

                  How To Select The Right Strata Management Agency


                  How To Select The Right Strata Management Agency


                  Deciding which agency to hire to be your strata manager is often a difficult task. You want to find a strata management company that can professionally and promptly deal with any issues that come up. You also want to ensure they are competitively priced. To help you with this difficult decision, we have compiled a handy guide. Whether you are looking to change strata manager or looking for strata manager for a new building, keep these suggestions in mind to help you.

                  1. Pricing:

                  As with many other things in life, with strata management, you usually get what you pay for. If you get a quote from a strata management company and it sounds too good to be true, then it most probably is. Be that as it may, you must also ensure you receive value for the money. When deciding which strata manager to go with ensure you consider both these factors.

                  2. Financial Reporting:

                  It is important to see how transparent a strata manager is with disclosing the financial performance of the strata scheme. How often are they going to send the financial reports to all owners? How much detail are they willing to explain where the funds are being spent? When deciding which strata manager to go with ensure you understand the frequency and detail of information to be received.

                  3. Agency’s Location:

                  It is very important that you choose a strata management agency that is located close to where you have your property. A company that shares the same locale will have in-depth knowledge of the unique challenges and risks that owners face in your area and how best they can maintain your property. There will be times when your strata manger will need to attend the property to discuss complex issues.

                  4. Recommendations:

                  When you are looking for a strata management agency, it is good to consider what those close to you recommend. Fellow building owners in the same area may also be useful in providing links to a great strata management service. Recommendations from trusted sources can prove to be very helpful.

                  5. Your Expectations:

                  Before you start looking, you must clearly know what your expectations are. If you have any other requirements other than the common aspects of strata management, these must be clearly communicated with any potential managers. Whoever you choose must be aware of all that you will require and you be comfortable that they can meet these requirements.

                  6. Past Experience:

                  Finally, when you are choosing a strata manager, you must look at their qualifications and your fellow consumer’s experience. Going online and reading the reviews that may have been posted is a good source to understand how well regarded the strata management agency is.

                  Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial strata management? Are you looking to switch strata managers? Not altogether satisfied with the information you’ve been getting from your current strata managers? Don’t hesitate to contact Montano Strata’s qualified team today.

                    Looking to Change, Its Easy!
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                    Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.

                    Improving The Value Of Your Strata Property

                    Strata Property

                    Improving The Value Of Your Strata Property

                    Strata Property

                    Nothing stays new forever and buildings are no different. A strata property will deteriorate with time unless specific measures are put in place. If these are not followed through, it can lead to the property’s value not appreciating at the same rate of other properties in the area. This can be done by owners corporation by undertaking regular maintenance and keeping the property in a good state of repair. Below are our top tips on how you can improve the value of your strata property.

                    ⦁ Regular Maintenance and repairs:

                    The Strata Schemes Management Act states that you are required to keep the strata property in a state of good and serviceable repair. It is therefore paramount that you use professional and licenced tradespeople to maintain the common areas on your behalf.
                    If you have external body corporate management, it is their job to ensure that common areas are always kept presentable. These include, hallways, garbage rooms, gardens, parking lots, the vestibule, laundry rooms and gymnasiums.

                    ⦁ Frequent repairs and updates

                    The Strata Schemes Management Act clearly states that any defects that require repair must be dealt with quickly. The strata management must hire expert repair personnel to deal with the issue. The costs must be covered by the strata community via their levies. A strata scheme should also comply with relevant legislation. An example is the Swimming Pools Act which states that all pools require a child-proof safety barrier or regular service of the lift to ensure the annual safety compliance certificate is issued.

                    Regular updates are important as they ensure that the property is kept up to date with current technological developments. Measures that can be taken include installing Wi-Fi enabled intercom, elevator upgrade, repainting the walls or garden makeovers.

                    ⦁ Reducing running costs

                    This is a great way to make sure that you save enough to be able to perform regular maintenance and frequent repairs. You can do this by changing to low emission lighting and installing movement sensors so that you spend less on electricity. Water saving measures can be implemented so that all the money that is saved by the body corporate can be used to improve the building.Do you have any questions regarding residential and commercial strata management? Are you looking to switch strata managers? Not altogether satisfied with the information you’ve been getting from your current strata managers? Don’t hesitate to contact Montano Strata’s qualified team today.

                      Looking to Change, Its Easy!
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                      Montano Strata Management is a family business that cares, we believe in promoting a strong and mutually respectful relationship.